Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The night before Kindergarten

It's not a good sign if Mom is crying the night before Kindergarten starts, but it's who I am, I can't help it. I read today that there are two different back to school moms. The ones who do a dance of freedom in their empty house and the ones who make up fake dentist appointments and pick their kids up early because they miss their kids so much. I'm definitely the latter. I just wanted to write a quick note to you Jackson to tell you how much I love you and that I can't believe our five years at home together have gone by already. I know you will do great in school and will love to learn and make a whole new set of friends. I love how sensitive and cuddly you still are and hope that it never changes. I love that you still want the same nigh-night songs that I have sang to you since you were born and that you beg for twenty more seconds of cuddling nearly every night. I love how silly you are and that you love to tell secrets that are 80% of the time telling me you have to go potty or something else completely non-secret related like the following from last month: "Put your bathing suit on and take a hot shower," "Wrap a towel around a pine tree," and "wrap your hair around your face." I love that you make instant friends everywhere you go. I love being your mom and am happy and sad that I have to now share you with a whole new world. You'll still always be my baby boy.

Yes. I took a picture of my son laying in his bed the last night before he was officially a Kindergatener. I already admitted to being that mom. I'm not apologizing again.

1 comment:

Noah and Isaiah's Momma said...

Ohh, I am not looking forward to kindergarten either!