Friday, February 25, 2011

Anna banana

Last night while giving Anna a bath she quietly whispered, " Can you help me please" while trying to pull up the drain in the bath. I asked her if she needed help and she looked at me slightly annoyed and said, " I wasn't talking to you I was talking to my hand". She then went back to pleading with her hand to help.

No more catching up

I've decided my problem with keeping up with the blog is that I get overwhelmed when I get behind and then the whole blog becomes aversive to me because I feel like I have to go back and catch up on everything that has happened. From here on out I'm going to post when I have a chance and let myself of the hook if I miss stuff. Some posts are better than none at all right? I'm hoping this will change my aversion to the blog and help me to stay more current. I guess time will tell.