Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Here's some rather boring video of Annabelle doing basically nothing for 5 minutes straight. Enjoy. Some things she is doing these days that she refused to perform are, waving hi and bye, saying mama, dada, uh-oh, and a version of all done while doing the sign. She standing up on her own but refuses to walk once she realizes what she is doing and goes completely limp until you leave her alone and let her crawl. She will also sometimes sign eat and occasionally tries milk and mama signs. She also just started pointing to my nose and mouth. She said hi a few times in the video but not in the really high sing-songy voice that we use and is adorable. Sorry, I guess every time I paused it started a new video, so I have no idea what is on each.

(Sorry I don't know how to edit down video, fast forward when you get bored!)

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