Friday, November 12, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

Please listen to this entire song. Then listen to it again. One more time. This is what my entire trip dropping Jackson off to school and back sounds like.

He heard this song on the radio one day and loved it. Kurt in a moment of unknowing foolishness told him that he owned the CD. This has resulted in a Queen obsession from both of my children. Jackson is specifically obsessed with this song and wants it on repeat. He asks with real concern who is dropping him off and picking him up at school this morning and would act heartbroken if I was not taking him. This did great things for my Mommy ego until the day I did not have the CD in my car and he had no intrest in me or my vehicle. Anna out of sheer desperation to listen to something else while in the car has begun to request "Rock You" and "Bicycle" when she can't take Another One Bites the Dust one more time. There really is nothing funnier than hearing your two year old sing the lyrics and sound effects to Bicycle and Another One Bites the Dust. I'm not sure how long this will last but I guess I should be glad it's not the Wheels on the Bus or the Itsy Bitsy Spider on repeat.

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