Here are some pictures of Jackson in his first big boy tie for church, he wore it every day for the first two weeks with everything, including jammies.
Side note: Have you ever seen the episode of friends where Monica and Chandler need to take engagement pictures, but Chandler can't give a natural smile and has an awful cheesy face that he gives everytime someone brings out a camera, we've decided that's Jackson is Chandler. We simply cannot get a natural looking smile, or get him to look at the camera when we try. This is the best I can get. He's cute anyway, cheesy grin or not.
He is cute, I'll give you that, but forgive me for saying this: Does he need a haircut already? Is that one big wave on top? Perhaps it's just the picture making it look weird but it is striking me as a missionary circa 1992. Is that my job to tell you that or did I just cross the line? Don't worry, it is still much better than my daughter's hair that everyday looks like a thin stringy mop.
Very handsome boy and tie! On the smiling thing, Ryan is soon to be 8 years old, and he STILL cannot give me a real smile... what is that!!!!????
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