Lila Jane Baker born on 12/21/11 at 12:33 am weighing a generous eight lbs. eight oz and 21.5 inches long.

Looking at these pictures now I can't believe how chubby those little cheeks were, she so quickly thinned out after that.
Meeting the siblings...

Little Lila was finally born the 21st of December. I tried my hardest to get her out by the 20th so she could have as much distance as possible from Christmas, but the 21st it was. The labor wasn't that bad when compared with the others, however if you take into consideration that I had been contracting about every nine minutes around the clock since the Friday before (she was born on a Tues) it was kind of a long ordeal. To fully understand how happy I was to finally not be pregnant you would need the perspective of this picture...
This was taken the Saturday before she was born. The day when out on a date with Kurt, a person actually slowed their car, rolled down their window and asked me if I was having twins. At that point it is time to be done. Here's the run down... By Monday I went to my doctor begging for mercy due to the constant contractions and the pulled muscle in my belly, I mean really even muscles have their limits. He checked me and said I was a 2 and agreed to an ultrasound in the morning to check her size. I also talked him into stripping my membranes. By the next morning I was having even less contractions but thought my water might have broken. Turned out it hadn't but I was a four. Progress. The ultrasound estimated 8.8 and that I had way too much fluid. He told me to go the hospital around one and give them the story and he would check me. I arrived and was still a four, fearful of being released I reminded him that I was Group B strep positive and would need antibiotics. That was the key and I got admitted. After walking around some more I got going and he came in to break my water. This turned out to be a flood and ruined more than one nurses pair of shoes. Eight hours later, an epidural that only partially worked, and two and a half hours of pushing later and out she came. It was love at first sight helped also by the euphoria of no longer being pregnant. She was a super cute baby who looked like she was already a couple of weeks old from the time she was born. She was quite the screamer and pretty much screamed the whole first thirty six hours which it turns out was a little prep course for what was to come. We got to come home on the 22nd and had a wonderful Christmas with Nana and our sweet new present. I'll follow up with more on little Lila's (aka screamy Joe) next two months in another post to come. We are so happy to have our sweet little Lila complete our family.
1 comment:
She is beautiful! Excited to see more pics! Way to get yourself into the hospital to have that baby! (by reminding them of Strep B) Desperate times call for desperate measures! I think if the hospital ever tries to send me home, I'll tie myself to a hospital bed!
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