Well here's the first pregnancy pic.... 12 weeks pregnant.

The kids are super excited and ask to see the pregnancy app on my phone all of the time to see what the baby looks like now. Anna will ask to kiss my belly and says good morning to the baby daily. The coolest part of the whole experience is to see it through the kids' eyes. Jackson would ask every morning, in the beginning, to see my belly and when it was going to get bigger. He also asked at one point if the baby was always going to look like Mega Mind. Both kids are hoping it's a boy and as of now (17 weeks) we aren't finding out what we are having at the ultrasound next week so we'll have to wait a while to see. This pregnancy has been a bit of a rough one and I have been much sicker than I was with Anna. This of course makes mre irrationally think that this must be a boy since I was so sick with Jackson. I'm sure that it really is just different with every preganancy but since we aren't finding out what we are having I'm clinging to any clues I can (can you tell how excited I am about the not finding out part?). In my dear husband's defense I did agree to this before I got pregnant then quickly decided the instant I saw a positive pregnacy test that I had to know as soon as possible, it's not his fault that I'm a hypocrite. I guess I can wait until December if I have to.... "if I have to" being the key phrase!
1 comment:
Oh finally a picture! You look great! So sorry you have been so sick; I know you are one tough mommy. I hope you start to feel better and feel the baby soon!
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