Looking pretty after church. She better be glad she is pretty, she is a nightmare in church lately, often requesting timeout. Darn, what do you do with that. Not so effective.
Comfy in a laundry basket watching "Animal!" which is the Old McDonald baby einstein.
Looking good in her new five dollar Wal-Mart summer dress. Sometimes it's actually worth it to go to Wal-Mart.
Some other Anna updates include:
* She loves Mickey Mouse diapers(night time) over Elmo and gets so excited to put them on at night.
* She has taken to calling me Monique and even when I ignore her and prompt her to say mom or mama she will say it and then tack on "Nique" or "Moknee" as soon as I respond.
*She loves to tease Jackson to get him to chase her and will swipe toys and take off to get the game going then get scared by Jackson being mad and run for one of us.
* She has discovered the word no, but says it like "Mo". She says it with force then gets shy and kind of nervous and does a specific nervous face she usually reserves for unfamiliar people who try to talk to her. She looks up every few seconds to see if you are still looking at her.
*She is in the habit of asking for her morning banana but doesn't really want it so she peels the whole thing takes a bite and throws it on the living room rug. Daddy loves this.
*She is combining lots of words into cute little sentences and uses no fillers of jabber piecing together with only words she knows.
* We played in a new big beach ball sprinkler this week and she came running crying telling me she got milk in her eye. I told her it was water and not milk, she turned around looked at it and said "oh" and stopped crying immediately.
* We got a little baby set from a friend that has a high chair attached to a little changing station and pretend bath. It came with a little diaper bag full of food and bottles. She played with it for about 4 hours the first day and just loves it. She loves her babies more than anything and feeds them and comforts and kisses them.
*Our conversations usually end every night when I am laying her down, with her asking to go for a walk in the stroller and take her baby. "Walk, mama, stroller, baby" I always tell her we will try tomorrow and when it was raining alot she would then respond "raining?" and I would tell her yes or no. Usually now I say we will try tomorrow. Tonight I told her yes Anna, we did today. She was quiet for a minute and then said "Morrow."
That's hilarious about both milk comments. That's really good painting! Did she make those circles? She looks so beautiful in the picture where she's wearing her Wal-Mart dress!
1st taste of ice cream!?! I think that may be neglect, lol!
Christian, yes yes I know... I get a lot of grief for being kind of a freak about what my kids eat. In my defense she is allergic to dairy so her options are limited :)
Lol, okay, I'll cut you some slack for the allergy thing. Glad to hear Monique is STILL a freak!
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