These days she is getting into everything, crawling on all fours backwards, and dragging herself with one arm tucked under to get forwards, not sure why the difference. She is ultra independent and wants down as soon as she's done nursing. She is into everything and can find every tiny piece of inedible everything and eat it before I can get to her no matter how many times of day I vaccum. She has begun to clap, and thinks she is very cool when she does this smiling at everyone. She also says Dadan everytime Kurt says it to her, and never for me. She is smiling at least 90% of her awake hours even now at 10:30. She is a doll and I feel so lucky to have such a smily joyful little person in my life. It is going way to fast. Alright, enough motherly babbling, here are some pictures of Annabelle enjoying some food that doesn't come from Mom and some pictures of her playing today.
Green beans are yummy.
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. That was so fun. I guess babies change a lot from 2-8 months?! She looks so different! She's so cute. Look at those gorgeous eyes and smile. She is getting so big that I can actually remember when Jane was that age. Pre-moving to Missouri I seem to have blanked it out. I hope I like my boy because that made me want a girl again!!!!
Annabelle is the sweetest thing!! Please let me hold her in church!!! Ooh, her cheeks are too much...
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