Here's my big girl in her big girl chair. It's a great item to have, as I can take her with me wherever I am and set her on the counter or wherever. She looks strong in these pictures, but after about 3-5 minutes she starts drooping and looks like what Kurt coined "little yoda". She has a shameful low amount of muscle tone for her age. But when you weigh 15 pounds it's hard to lift your head:).
I have always wanted to try one of those, but never got around to buying one. I am glad it works! Nice to have your hands free before they can actually sit up!
She's so cute how big is she now? We took Izzy and Jess to the doctors and Izzy is 28inches and 15pounds and Jess is 30pounds and 38inches. They grow up so fast can't believe it. I haven't had the blog very long I just get tired of myspace.
Love the bumbo. They always come out with all these new gadgets, that almost make me want another baby just to have them! Almost. ha.
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