- Anna has discovered her love of princesses and we have started watching the princess movies together on Friday mornings. She loves being told made up princess stories as well as telling them to us. Before every nap and bed time she will ask "Can you read me a princess story". She almost always chooses for the princess to be named Mommy. I won't lie, it's kind of flattering :) She has also recently began to sing princess songs about Princess Mommy which are very cute.
- Anna will randomly yell out "Hey mom, guess what?" When I ask what she says, "I love you."
- Anna always wants Daddy when she gets hurt, I am not sure why as he gives about one quarter the sympathy that I do but she wants him every time. The second she gets hurt it's "I need my daddy, I need dada to hold me."
I thought I'd leave that intro and then just add on from here. She has since dropped the princess stories and now here night routine consists of three songs from each of us which always consists of at least one Old McDonald song where she fills in ridiculous items and you have to quickly think of what they would say, here are some common fill ins : big fat sheep, big fat baby sheep, a wall, the fan, lips, lipstick, baby wrapped up asleep and laying next to me, eyelashes, hair, the list goes on and on. Almost never are there actually animals on this farm.
Poor Anna has had quite an adjustment since the baby has been born and has thrown some killer tantrums lately. I feel like we are on the downside of that and she is adjusting a little better now. She has however thrown out some very non-suddle hints that she needs some attention like the baby by pretending to be a baby lately. She has asked to be rocked in my lap and tonight went so far as to pretend cry throughout our night time routine after she was made to wait while I fed the baby. When I tried to leave she told me I couldn't because she hadn't stopped crying and needed to be patted. When that didn't work she said she was hungry and I knew where we were headed. Sure enough when I told her nothing else to eat she looked at me a minute and then said she wanted to drink some milk from my boo boos. When I told her no those were just for Lila she said, "how about just pretend, you can pretend and it can be pretend milk." Poor attention deprived girl :( Here are some other little anna tidbits...
- Anna adds "Please, I'll be your friend" when she asks for something she really wants.
- Anna carries her "baby lila" around everywhere and will come running when she says she is crying and give me a talking to if I move her or my baby lila wakes her up when she is sleeping.
- When Anna has to go poop she always makes a big ball of toilet paper and covers her nose with it the entire time so she doesn't have to smell what's happening.
- Anna has taken to wearing her all time favorite dress as much as humanly possible which is 24 hours of the day at least a few days a week, the only problem is it's a 2T and isn't going to get on and off much longer.
We recently got a new cat and Anna plays with him like a sibling. Last week I watched her try to play hide and seek with the cat and place him somewhere to hide when she was counting and he obviously didn't understand the rules. She has also put a walkie talkie by his head and gone into the other room to talk to him annoyed that he wasn't responding. She will lock the cat into the playroom with her and make them cake and cupcakes to eat. The cat is perfect for Anna and will follow her around the whole day not the least bit annoyed.
- Today Anna asked me if I was happy to be here with her. I said of course I was and asked her why she would ask me that. She replied " Because I just want us to be happily ever after."