As everyone has reminded me I skipped right over 6 months and forgot to take pictures every week. It becomes a little less fun to post pictures of yourself on the internet when you jump so quickly to the point of gigantic and the pictures aren't quite so flattering. Along those lines this is the last time you wills see my bare belly as it just looks huge and I can't bring myself to show the photos to people as it gets even bigger. I know it is supposed to yada yada yada but I'm sure we could all do with out seeing it every month. I'm carrying this baby very differently than with Jackson. Just as the old wives tales claim, this baby just makes me look round and huge and is sitting very high, while Jackson was more of a nice bump on the bottom of my belly (much more flattering). I'll be seven months in a week, but let's be honest I don't post that much so this is going to count for that. I would have loved to have actually taken decent pictures, but it's 10:00 and Kurt wasn't up for the game of that looks horrible take another one so, here you go.